[IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 3

This part is the most demanding part. The candidate is expected to generate longer responses to part 3 questions. The prompts are linked to the topic in Part 2 but the topic was about various issues within a specific topic area. You must expand on the answers by explaining, giving examples, describing in detail, contrasting, comparing, and giving additional information to fully answer the questions. It is much better to use simple words to express complex ideas than trying to impress with fancy words that you may use incorrectly.
If you get stuck and do not know how to answer the question, you may ask the examiner to give the question in a different way.
You can also ask the examiner to clarify the question when you do not understand a question.
Part 3 should be an abstract discussion, therefore, avoid giving personal information.
When you cannot think of the correct word or phrase for something, paraphrasing it would save you. This means finding another way of saying the word or the phrase. For example, if you cannot think of the expression ‘get along well, you might say ‘make friends with’.
Some idioms and phrasal verbs would be a great help to obtain a higher band score.

[IELTS Tips] Listening Section

[IELTS Tips] Listening Section

[IELTS Tips] Reading Section

[IELTS Tips] Reading Section

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1
