[IELTS Tips] Listening Section

The IELTS Listening Test is the same for both Academic and General Training candidates. Typically, it has two dialogues and two monologues which will be played only once for approximately 30 minutes. Pauses are included to allow the candidates to read the questions and check their answers. Afterward, the candidates will have 10 minutes to transfer the answers to the answer sheet.
There are several types of questions with a total of 40 questions in four sections.

  • Multiple-choice
  • Short answer
  • Matching
  • Sentence completion
  • Table/form/note/summary/flow-chart completion
  • Labeling a diagram/plan/map

The IELTS Listening Module contains a combination of some or all of the listed types. The level of complexity increases throughout the test, where Section 1 is the easiest and Section 4 is the most difficult section of the test.
 IELTS Listening would assess the candidate’s skills on listening for and identifying the gist of specific factual information, speaker roles, main ideas, and the relationship between the pieces of information conveyed by the speaker, such as causes and effects, order of events, and comparison. Following directions and instructions, identifying details of numbers, dates and times will also be included in it.
The candidates will receive a band score depending on how many correct answers. Ranging from 0 to 9, the score can be reported in whole or half band scores, e.g. 7.5 or 8.0.

[IELTS Tips] Reading Section

[IELTS Tips] Reading Section

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 2

[IELTS Tips] Writing Part 2
