Day: February 15, 2023

  • [IELTS Tips] Listening Section

    [IELTS Tips] Listening Section

    The IELTS Listening Test is the same for both Academic and General Training candidates. Typically, it has two dialogues and two monologues which will be played only once for approximately 30 minutes. Pauses are included to allow the candidates to read the questions and check their answers. Afterward, the candidates will have 10 minutes to…

  • [IELTS Tips] Reading Section

    [IELTS Tips] Reading Section

    Reading section might be easy or even the difficult one for you. But, don’t worry. Here are some tips for you: It is important to be familiar with IELTS reading test. But it’s more important to have the skill to understand reading in general, read to understand the whole meaning of the reading text. So,…

  • [IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1

    [IELTS Tips] Writing Part 1

    The IELTS writing section Academic module is a challenging task. You need to master a good technique for this, and then the rest would be easy.The first thing to take note of is that Writing task 1 is not the same as writing an essay in IELTS writing task 2. It is about writing Tables,…

  • [IELTS Tips] Writing Part 2

    [IELTS Tips] Writing Part 2

    It is important to ALWAYS read the question very carefully on IELTS writing task 2 to see exactly what you are being asked to do. There are many different essay types that require different ways to answer them.Some of the types of IELTS essay: You may also get some of these tasks mixed up.You should…

  • [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 1

    [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 1

    Speaking is the last part of the IELTS test. The interview lasts for approximately 11-14 minutes. The examiner starts the test by introducing him or herself and confirms the identity of the candidate. Being able to talk naturally in a constant flow smoothly and confidently without major pauses is important to score high in IELTS. Part…

  • [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 2

    [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 2

    There are three parts on IELTS Speaking Test. Once your talk in part one is over, your examiner will give you a card. The topic for your talk will be written on card which the examiner will hand you. Read it carefully and then make some brief notes. Part two is called the individual long…

  • [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 3

    [IELTS Tips] Speaking Part 3

    This part is the most demanding part. The candidate is expected to generate longer responses to part 3 questions. The prompts are linked to the topic in Part 2 but the topic was about various issues within a specific topic area. You must expand on the answers by explaining, giving examples, describing in detail, contrasting,…

  • [IELTS Tips] GT Writing Letter

    [IELTS Tips] GT Writing Letter

    Task 1 of the General Training is in the form of letter writing. The candidates are given a problem, and they have to respond with a letter with a certain situation requesting necessary information or explaining a situation. It will take approximately 20 minutes out of the total 60 minutes. The candidates required to write…
